Council Process

benchesHow the City Council Process Works

Council & Workshop Meetings
Council meetings are held at 6:00 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month in Council Chambers of City Hall.
Workshop Meetings shall be held in Council Chambers of City Hall, if required, immediately following the adjournment of the Regular Council Meeting. Workshop meetings are an informal meeting of Council giving Council a chance to hold in-depth discussions prior to making a decision on a particular matter. There are no formal decisions made during a Workshop Meeting only recommendations, which are later referred to the next Council Meeting for approval.
All Council and Workshop Meetings are open to the public. Members of the public wishing to attend a Council or Workshop Meeting can contact the City Clerk for a copy of the Agenda.
For the benefit of members of the public who are unable to attend a Council Meeting, minutes of the Council Meetings only are available on the website shortly after the minutes are approved by Council.

Attending a Council Meeting: 

Council Meetings are held at City Hall at 6:00 p.m. and are open to the public. To attend virtually, visit, go to the Government tab, select Agendas & Minutes, select Agendas, then click on the Meeting Date. The Live Council Link is at the top of the agenda. You can also watch on the City of Melville Facebook page. 

Appearing at a Council Meeting as a Delegation:

If you would like to appear before Council as a delegation, provide a letter addressed to the Mayor and Council, c/o the City Clerk. The letter must clearly state the topic you would like to discuss and the request you are making of Council. You must include your full name and contact information. The letter must be received by the City Clerk no later than Noon, the Wednesday prior to the Council Meeting. You will be given ten (10) minutes for your presentation to Council.

Written Communications to Council:

If you would like to submit a letter to Council, and would not like to speak at the meeting, address your letter to the Mayor and Council detailing your concern. The letter must include your full name and contact information. Council will make a motion to: receive and file, proclaim, direct Administration to prepare a report, or otherwise direct, based on your letter. Written Communications must be received by the City Clerk no later than Noon, the Wednesday prior to the Council Meeting.

Unless marked 'Confidential' correspondence may be available to the media and members of the public.
Prior to releasing information to the public, all "Personal Information" as defined in Section 23(1) of the Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act will be removed from all documentation unless permission is granted by the individual to release said personal information
Please note that complete copies of bylaws, resolutions, reports and other background material are available from the City Clerk.