Property Taxes & Assessment


2025 Assessment Roll  

Click Here for More Information on Assessment Roll

If you would like to view your property on the CGIS City Map. Click Here

The City Of Melville T.I.P.P. Program

Our T.I.P.P. Program Starts January 1st - December 1st
We encourage all property owners to sign up for TIPP. TIPP is a monthly payment plan which allows property owners to spread your property tax payments over a period of 12 months interest and penalty free. The payments can be automatically withdrawn from your bank account each month, or you can leave 12 post dated cheques. For more information on our TIPP program please call the general office at 306-728-6840 or stop by City Hall.

School Support Declaration Form - Individual

City of Melville Taxation Information

Current year taxes are levied June and are due without penalty August 31.
Penalties will be applied on outstanding taxes as of:
September 1   1.25% Of Current Year Balance Owing
October 1        1.25% Of Current Year Balance Owing
November 1    1.25% Of Current Year Balance Owing
December 1    1.25% Of Current Year Balance Owing

All balances outstanding as of December 31 will be subject to a 1.5% penalty that will be assessed January 1 of the following year and will continue on the first of each month until taxes are paid.
Taxes can be paid through telephone/online banking or at City Hall. We accept cash, cheques and debit. Please remember that the City of Melville does NOT accept credit card payments on taxes. All cheques must be made payable to the City of Melville.
DID YOU KNOW: The City of Melville offers a tax installment payment plan (TIPP). The TIPP program is an automatic withdrawal payment plan which allows city taxpayers to spread their tax payments over the course of the year (12 months) penalty and interest free. Payments are withdrawn on the 1st, 15th or 30th of each month. Application forms for the TIPP program are available at City Hall.
Please contact the taxation office at City Hall at (306)728-6840 if any information on this tax notice is not accurate.