- CN Community Centre
- Merv Moore Sportsplex
- Melville Swimming Pool
- Melville Tennis Courts
- Parks & Playgrounds
- Skateboard Park
- Off-Leash Dog Park
- Outdoor Rinks
- Melville Railway Museum & Caboose
- Spray Park
Other Amenities in Melville for Sport, Recreation, Arts, Culture & Leisure
- Melville Regional Park
- Camping
- Ball Diamonds
- Melville Golf & Country Club
- Melville Curling Club
- Ball Diamonds (Kinsmen, Jaycee, Bob Stewart, Al Walls)
- Terry Puhl Batting Cages
- Melville Heritage Museum
- Snowmobile Trails
- Trans-Canada Trail
- Melville Bowl Arena
- Melville Community Works
- Richardson's Millionaire Hockey Museum
- Matty's Fun Centre
- Melville & District Agripark
- Melville Theatre
For more information on these amenities and more activities, check out the Community Groups.